Keyboard Navigation Controls - similar to a drone/quadcopter

"Left Stick"

W | S Move Forwards | Move Backwards
A | D Yaw Left | Yaw Right

"Right Stick"

I | K Pitch Forward | Pitch Back
J | L Roll Left | Roll Right

Options and Parameters

Generally click on a parameter in the bottom left window and scroll the mouse wheel or use Cursor Up/Down to change the parameter and watch the scene change in real time. If using the mouse scroll wheel, first move the mouse back over the image. You may also directly enter a number for a parameter in the text box. Click on "Reduce Change in Wheel Param" to reduce the amount that your parameter changes by a factor of 10.

Parameters to change

MScale - Changes the scale factor for the fractal iteration. Change this - you will be surprised!

Max Iter - Increase if you want more solid fractal, decrease if you want to see more spheres, interesting to start from 1 and increase

Angle Time - Increase and decrease to cycle the sun and moon around - changing light levels

Will add more details soon. Point and click around - you can't hurt anything except a poor Sierpinski Gasket